Gift Card

The customer requests a gift card to use it in subsequent purchases. Gift cards may be issued with some restrictions (e.g. time limit for usage) and/or include incentives (e.g. +2€).


To find a "Gift Card" method:

Go to Settings -> Refund Methods, scroll down a bit and find a "Gift Card" section. 

Options of managing refunds. 


  • Automatically after validating the product

Means that the Refund will proceed only after the arrived Item has been validated. 

The process takes more time but it is the safest one as a merchant can make sure that the Item is arrived and there is no issue with it. 

  • Automatically in the creation of the return

Means that ones the return is created the Refund goes automatically to the customer. 


It is a bit dangerous cause a merchant doesn't know the condition of a returned item while the refund is already sent. 

  • Manually

First a merchant receives an item, validates it and then send the Refund. 

The slowest way but the safest one. 

  • Refund at shipping completed

Once the shipping is completed and the Item is returned a customer will receive the Refunds. 

  • Refund at shipping in progress

At the moment of Shipping Process a customer can receive Refunds.


Turn on/off Gift Card

You can disable or enable Gift Card option. 

Customers will not see Gift Card method to Refund


At the moment we offer the following method of Gift Card refund:

  • FixedAmount
  • FreeShipping
  • Percentage
  • PercentageFullPrice

Here what customers will see if you set up FIxedAmount of 5€.