What is the Transportation section for?

Shipping information is crucial to provide better customer service by being aware of the status of your returns or exchanges. This will allow you to respond to their concerns about when they will receive their new product.

To access the Transportation section, simply click on Transportation in the left side menu.



Dashboard details

The basic details of the return are available in the Transports panel:

  • Order Number or Name
  • Pickup Date
  • Shipping Code
  • Customer Name
  • Carrier
  • Order status
  • Return Methods
  • Pick-up Requests
  • Pick-up Failures


You can also find two triggers on the "Actions" column

  • To view more details of the pickup and proceed with its management - a green eye icon 
  • Url tracking to the carrier's website - link icon 


Find your return

There are several options available when it comes to finding a return and its transport:

  • Search” to filter by open fields how:
    • Order name
    • Customer name

Find the order by pick-up status and pick-up date 

Simply click on the Pick-up status to select the needed one and click on Pick-up by date. 

You can also customize the period of orders. 

Dashboard views

  • “On Going” default view, where you will find the returns that are without issues. The statuses you will find here are: Requested, Pickup in progress, Pickup completed, Shipment in progress and Shipment completed.
  • “With problems” where you will find all returns that have some kind of issue. The statuses you will find here are: Pickup failed, Pickup cancelled, Shipment failed, Shipment cancelled.
  • All” where you will find all returns, including those that have already been completed. You will find all the statuses we contemplate.
  • "Not active" serves to demonstrate a new customer return request
  • "Delayed" If for some reasons an item doesn't move in the tracking system then it goes to the Delayed tab. 

All shipments that appear in the "With problems" section will be handled by our customer service team to provide your customer with a solution as soon as possible.

Transportation status


On the "Status" column you can see all statuses

Requested: This is the initial status of any exchange or return. Those that are drop-off type will be in this state until your customer makes the delivery in one of the enabled points. Upon delivery, it will change to Shipment in progress.

Pickup in progress: This status means that the pickup has been scheduled and will be completed within the scheduled date.

Pickup completed: This status means that the pickup has been completed and the return or exchange is with the carrier.

Pickup failed: This status means that the pickup could not be completed for a specific reason.

Pickup cancelled: This status means that a cancellation of the pickup has been requested. It may be because the customer decided to take it to a delivery point.

Shipment in progress: This status means that the exchange or return is on its way.

Shipment completed: This status means that the exchange or return has arrived at its destination.

Shipment failed: This status indicates that there has been an incident with the shipment.

Shipment cancelled: This status indicates that a cancellation of the shipment has been requested. It may be because the customer got cold feet and prefers to keep the garment.

Detail of the collection

To open the tab simply click on the "Green eye" icon 


The tool shows us:

1. On the top you can find the states through which the order passed.


2. In the lower left part, the options (for internal use by iF) and the service with its history.

3. At the bottom right you can find the origin ( Ship From ) and destination information ( Ship To ) 


On the left top click on the "Options" button to find the following options:

  • Resend return instructions: To resend the instructions by e-mail to the customer (internal use).
  • New pickup from browser website: Generates a reschedule
  • Cancel pickup: The status of the pickup will change to 'Pickup Canceled'.