Release Notes 1.1.3 (4/12/2024)

Release Date: 4/12/2024

1. Notes in DOMS timeline


Merchants are able to add note from “Manage Return” or from “Return Tracking” pages ✅


‼️At this moment it is possible to add only text in the notes‼️

Here is how you can do it from Manage Returns down arrow

  1. Go to “Manage Return”

  2. Click on the “Green Dollar” Icon

  3. Scroll down and add new note

  4. Click on the “Save” button

From the Return Tracking down arrow

  1. Go to “Return Tracking”

  2. Click on the “Green Eye” Icon

  3. Add new note

  4. Click on the “Save” button

2. Get Metafields product and variants tags


Getting the metafields from product and variants considering them as tags to enable the creation of rules and specific process for identified metafields

The rules can be configured.

We retrieve a query “order” from Shopify the metafields assigned to the line-item. The line-item may have metafields in two different objects:

  • Product:

  • Variant:

The corresponding metafields, we will consider as product tags.

We will include both Variant and Product Metafields into the product tags using always the same structure:


We won’t support all metafields types, so here are the supported and unsupported metafield types:

  1. Single LIne text → check mark button

  2. Multi-line-text → check mark button

  3. Integer → check mark button

  4. Decimal → check mark button

  5. Product → check mark button

  6. File → cross mark

  7. Date and time → check mark button

  8. Dimension → check mark button

  9. Volume → check mark button

  10. Weight → check mark button

  11. Rich Text → cross mark

  12. Company → check mark button

  13. Customer → check mark button

  14. Collection → check mark button

  15. Product Variant → check mark button

  16. Metaobject → cross mark

  17. Page → cross mark

  18. Boolean → check mark button

  19. Color → check mark button

  20. Rating → check mark button

  21. URL → check mark button

  22. Money → check mark button

  23. Link → check mark button

  24. JSON → cross mark

  25. Mixed Reference → cross mark


3. Carrier Configuration for Merchants

We have several changes that might be useful for you:

  1. In the rules section we display Carrier that are currently available for merchant

  2. We designed new model to share connections:

    Global connections: these should be iF connections which must be available for all merchants

    Shared Connections: these are assigned to an array of merchants (shop_codes) and those are the only ones who can configure the connection in rules or else where

    Private connections: are connections assigned exclusively to a single merchant (shop_code)

  3. Now you can disable some Carriers for route but keep them available for Rules.
    If you want to Enable Carrier simply click on the toggle button then click on “Save” button and changes will apply.

Want to know how It works? down arrow

Go to left side panel and click on the Return Methods in the Settings section


Select the Carrier you want to Enable or Disable for route.

Click on the Save button. After that the changes will apply. See the video below how it works down arrow




NOTE: Carrier will always be activated for rules no matter if they are enabled or disabled for route