This refund method does not contribute to your goal of retaining the maximum value in your returns. However, most brands choose to offer the customer the possibility to receive their money back.
How users request a Refund?
The customer can request a refund to the original payment method for the price of the product.
Once the refund to the original payment method has been requested and the creation of the order has been confirmed, we will send a first confirmation email and a second email with the instructions to follow depending on the selected transport.
How to manage it
We will manage these changes from the Manage Returns panel.
Go to Validation and Management -> Manage Returns .
Sometimes we need to validate a customer's return first.
Click on "Needs Validation" and then on the "Green Dollar" icon.
Once you click on the "Green Dollar" icon you will see an Order Detail tab called "Return Control". Here you can find return's and customer's information ⬇️
In the order detail, you will be able to review all the information and take action on the request:
1. Click on the "Approve" or "Deny"
2. Click on the "Confirm" or "Cancel Return"
Once you have validated it go back to the "Open" tab, find the Return Request Order and click on the "Green Dollar" icon.
You will see an Order Detail tab.
1. Select "Yes" on the validation
2. Click on the "Refund and Close" button
Once you confirm the refund customers will receive this type of message