Operators are part of conditions. They configure the values and reasons for the action trigger.
Let´s check all available operators
Operator: is equal to
Definition: Means that a system finds a value that you put in the field
Example: If you put an item price is equal to 20€ the system will look for items that costs only 20€
Operator: is different from
Definition: any variable that is different from what you input in the field.
Example: You might use it for countries. Any country that is different from Spain will not have a free shipping.
Operator: is any of
Definition: Often used to check if a given value matches any value in a set of options
Example: I want the Gift Card refund to be 10€ for the following countries Spain, Germany, France.
When a return order is from any of these 3 countries then the Gift Card refund is 10€
Operator: is not any of
Definition: is used to check if a value does not match any value in a given set
Example: I want the Gift Card refund to be 20€ for Spain, Germany, France and for the rest of the countries only 10€.
When I have an order from Italy the system checks that it is not any of these 3 countries listed above ( Spain, Germany, France ).
When a return order is from any of these 3 countries then the Gift Card refund is 20€
Operator: Contains
Definition: "contains" operator is used to check if a certain value exists within another collection, such as a list, or dictionary.
Example: It can be applied for countries. If there is “Spain” in a return order then it means it contains “Spain” and the rule will trigger the action.
Operator: Is Greater Than
Definition: This operator checks if the one variable is strictly greater than the other
Example: Price of prodcut to be returned. When we put a value 50€ it means, the action will trigger only if the price is greater than 50€.
Operator: Is Less Than
Definition: This operator checks if the one variable is strictly greater than the other
Example: Price of prodcut to be returned. When we put a value 50€ it means, the action will trigger only if the price is less than 50€.
Operator: Is Greater Than or Equal To
Definition: This operator checks if the one variable is strictly greater or equal than the other
Example: Price of prodcut to be returned. When we put a value 50€ it means, the action will trigger only if the price is greater or equal than 50€
Operator: Is Less Than or Equal To
Definition: This operator checks if the one variable is strictly less or equal than the other
Example: Price of prodcut to be returned. When we put a value 50€ it means, the action will trigger only if the price is less or equal than 50€